When you first download and open 11Sight on your iOS device make sure to allow the app to display notifications, access your photos, microphone, and camera. If you don’t give 11Sight these permissions you will see an alert the next time you login.
If you haven't allowed the above settings after downloading the app, follow the steps below.
Step 2
To manage your permissions simply go into your iOS device settings.
Swipe down to reveal search and search 11Sight
Step 3
Here you can make sure 11Sight has access to your photos, microphone, camera, and the notifications are allowed.
On Safari
When making a call in your Safari browser on your iOS device make sure to allow 11Sight to access the camera and the microphone. Every time you make a new call, Safari will ask for your permission.
JavaScript errors detected
Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.
If this problem persists, please contact our support.